Therapy & Intervention

NeuroNet programs are now available on StepUp to Learn's cloud-based platform! Individualized NeuroNet programs can be used to help struggling learners who have not automated basic reading, writing and math skills during early childhood. 

Benefits of StepUp to Learn Programs 


NeuroNet comprises a suite of research-based learning readiness programs that provide structured, sequential exercises for perceptual-motor development which lays the foundation for automating reading, math, and handwriting skills. When basic reading, math, and handwriting skills are not automated, it places greater demands on a child’s attentional-resources, which may lead to poor academic performance, or behavior and emotional problems.

Register for one of NeuroNet's Nanodegrees to access our full suite of movement-based learning programs with your clients!

The Early Learning Nanodegree is an excellent resource for therapists providing early intervention services.

The Integrated Rhythms Nanodegree programs are for school-age children who struggle with language processing and balance or motor skills. 

The Dual Nanodegree includes the programs and training for both the Integrated Rhythms and Early Learning Nanodegrees.