We recently travelled to China to see how schools in Beijing are using NeuroNet, as well as to share the science behind NeuroNet with parents and teachers in Shanghai.
These 4-year-old students at DePan Education Center in Beijing loved having Nancy practice with them.
We loved watching these 3-year-old students during their NeuroNet practice! Just 20 minutes a day provides structured practice for preschoolers to develop the learning sequence of “watch and listen, then think and do.”
While in Beijing, we had time to visit Tienamen Square, The Emperor's Palace, and the Great Wall. It was impressive to think of the years of history represented here.
As we left the Great Wall at 7 pm, I thought of my family and friends in the US where the sun was just coming up for them at 7 am. We all share the same sun!
We climbed the steps of the Great Wall and took this picture overlooking the Great Wall from a window in one of the guard towers.
The next day, we were invited to present the NeuroNet Program to the 21st Century International school, and then to tour their school. At the entrance, the school's mission statement and pictures of staff let parents know the purpose and people of the school.
The children practice good habits daily: brushing their teeth, washing their faces, and eating healthy snacks. They take their shoes on and off many times and change into their pajamas for nap. All good for a child's knowledge of their personal body space, along with the development of good habits.
Also while in Beijing, we enjoyed MANY delicious dishes of local cuisine. If it was cooked or peeled, I ate it! What an amazing adventure.
In Shanghai, we introduced the science behind NeuroNet Learning to over 100 teachers, administrators, and parents at WuNan Kindergarten. Located right across from the American Embassy in Shanghai, WuNan is a public school and international school combined.
WuNan has an amazing collection of resources: a child size kitchen to learn cooking, a small swimming pool for water play, an indoor gym, and a science room with microscopes and other equipment.
Teachers at WuNan Kindergarten use the SAW Teaching Model -- Science, Art, Writing. The children make a science picture, then make an art picture based on the science, then they write something about the science.
It was amazing experience to watch NeuroNet in action at the DePan Education Center and the 21st Century School in Beijing. And it was an amazing honor to share the science behind NeuroNet with parents, teachers, and administrators at the WuNan Kindergarten and the Kiddie Winkie Montessori School in Shanghai. We are grateful for our friends and staff who made this trip possible!
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