Research -- StepUp to Learn
Academic Achievement Is Influenced by How Pupils 'Do' Gender at School
Pupils' achievements at school are often shaped by the way that they 'act out' specific gender roles, according to a new study which warns against over-generalizing the gender gap in education.
Playtime with Dad May Improve Children's Self-Control
Children whose fathers make time to play with them from a very young age may find it easier to control their behavior and emotions as they grow up.
Child's Play 'Lost' in Pandemic Fear
Social and community disruptions caused by the COVID-19 restrictions could have a lasting effect on child wellbeing, Flinders University researchers warn.
Study Finds Government Policies Push Schools to Prioritize Creating Better Test-Takers Over Better People
Personal growth and job skills have taken a backseat to an increased focus on standardized test scores in schools across the nation, according to new research.
'Terrible Twos' Not Inevitable: With Engaged Parenting, Happy Babies Can Become Happy Toddlers
Parents should not feel pressured to make their young children undertake structured learning or achieve specific tasks, particularly during lockdown. A new study of children under the age of two has found that parents who take a more flexible approach to their child’s learning can - for children who were easy babies - minimize behavioral problems during toddlerhood.
Chatty Kids Do Better At School, New Study Shows
Young children go on to achieve more academic success when their verbal skills are enhanced, a new study suggests.
Do Girls Read Better Than Boys? If So, Gender Stereotypes May Be to Blame
Researchers examined the relation between classmates’ gender stereotypes and individual students’ reading outcomes to shed light on how these stereotypes contribute to the gender gap in reading.
Mother Nature: Reshaping Modern Play Spaces for Children’s Health
A world first review of the importance of nature play could transform children’s play spaces, supporting investment in city and urban parks, while also delivering important opportunities for children’s physical, social and emotional development.
Contagious Learning: How Drama and Experience Enhance Learning
It's a concept first brought to light decades ago, but still very relevant in education today: lived experience. Specifically, how can educators create significant experiences to engage students and enhance learning?
Deaf infants more attuned to parent’s visual cues
Researchers find that Deaf infants of Deaf parents demonstrate strong gaze-following behavior, which establishes a social connection between parent and child.
Digital Games May Beat Mindfulness Apps at Relieving Stress
Highly engaging digital games which provide opportunities for mastering new skills and allowing users to feel in control may relieve stress at the end of the day more effectively than mindfulness apps.
Emphasizing social play in kindergarten improves academics, reduces teacher burnout
Emphasizing more play, hands-on learning, and students helping one another in kindergarten improves academic outcomes, self-control and attention regulation.