Research -- StepUp to Learn
How to Boost Children's Letter Sound Recognition
Children who did this became twice as proficient at difficult letter sounds compared to those who received traditional instruction.
How The Brain Says 'Oops!'
How do we learn from our mistakes? This important brain research helps us understand how our brains detect our mistakes.
Learning Through ‘Guided’ Play Can Be As Effective As Adult-Led Instruction
Play-based learning may also have a more positive effect on younger children’s acquisition of important early maths skills compared with traditional, direct instruction.
How to Help Girls Stay Engaged with Science
This program was linked to higher average science grades and an increase in a measure of science knowledge for a group of fifth grade girls.
How to Make Learning More Effective
Engaging students in these activities resulted in improved academic performance compared to traditional lectures, lessons or readings.
Motivation Depends on How the Brain Processes Fatigue
How do we decide whether or not an activity which requires work is ‘worth the effort’?
Researchers Find What Motivates Young Children to Learn
The study focused on how children’s knowledge level influences what information they find interesting. The findings suggest that children are not simply attracted to information by its novelty.
Not All Recess is Created Equal
With schools returning to full-time in-person classes this fall now is a good time to rethink, ‘How do we create schools that are more child-friendly?’
Youngest Children in Class Are More Likely to Be Diagnosed with a Learning Disability
Children born in December are almost twice as likely to be diagnosed with a learning disorder as those born in January.
New Experiences Enhance Learning by Resetting Key Brain Circuit
A study of spatial learning in mice shows that exposure to new experiences dampens established representations in the brain’s hippocampus and prefrontal cortex, allowing the mice to learn new navigation strategies.
Blink! The Link Between Aerobic Fitness and Cognition
Researchers have found evidence that spontaneous eye blink activity, which reflects activity in the dopaminergic system, explains the connection between fitness and cognitive function.
We Hear What We Want to Hear
New findings on the importance of anticipation in brain organization, specifically in auditory processing.