Research -- StepUp to Learn
How to Make Learning More Effective
Engaging students in these activities resulted in improved academic performance compared to traditional lectures, lessons or readings.
Motivation Depends on How the Brain Processes Fatigue
How do we decide whether or not an activity which requires work is ‘worth the effort’?
Do Open Learning Spaces Increase Children’s Physical Activity?
Open learning spaces are not directly associated with the physical activity of students in grades 3 and 5, even though more breaks from sedentary time were observed in open learning spaces compared to conventional classrooms.
Taking Short Breaks May Help our Brains Learn New Skills
The resting brain repeatedly replays compressed memories of what was just practiced.
Youngest Children in Class Are More Likely to Be Diagnosed with a Learning Disability
Children born in December are almost twice as likely to be diagnosed with a learning disorder as those born in January.
Exercise Aids the Cognitive Development of Children Born Preterm
A premature start in life can cause problems even into teenage years. A recent study indicates that training motor skills in these children helps even when they are older.
Sugar: High Consumption Affects Learning, Memory
New research shows high sugar consumption early in life affects learning and memory.
Connecting the Dots Between Engagement and Learning
Changes in internal states -- such as arousal, attention, and engagement -- causes behavior changes and may help you quickly learn and master new skills.
Scientists Identify Specific Brain Region and Circuits Controlling Attention
New research on our understanding of focus and impulse control, two different factors affecting attention.
We Hear What We Want to Hear
New findings on the importance of anticipation in brain organization, specifically in auditory processing.
How Our Brains Know When Something's Different
Scientists discovered how a set of high frequency brain waves may help us unconsciously know when something's different by comparing memories of the past with present experiences.
Strong links between music and math, reading achievement
A music educator thought he could disprove the notion of a link between students’ musical and mathematical achievement. He was wrong.